There are over 2000 trade associations in Washington, DC, representing a broad range of industries and interests from accountants to zoos, but none have ever existed to advocate for the promotion of fairness in infrastructure project contracting.

Until now

The Partnership for Infrastructure Project Excellence (PIPE) is a new Washington-based organization comprised of stakeholders from across America that share an interest in ensuring fair competition in the selection of materials for infrastructure projects, such as highway construction and other transportation projects.  

Now more than ever, the need for an organization to represent and promote the interests of infrastructure stakeholders among the nation’s policymakers is crucial.  At both the federal and state levels, entrenched interests seek to limit the use of modern, cost-effective and environmentally preferable products in the construction of infrastructure projects.  This challenge is particularly acute in the case of culvert pipe, which faces stiff, unfair competition in federal contracting due to an obscure provision in the MAP-21 legislation.

Member-supported PIPE works to educate policymakers about this important issue and advance commonsense, pro-taxpayer solutions to our Nation's infrastructure needs.  But PIPE is only as strong as our members, which is why we need you to join us


The Partnership to Promote Project Excellence (PIPE) is a member-driven organization that is committed to advancing the priorities of its partners. PIPE is comprised of Steering Committee Members as well as General Members, both of which must be approved by the Steering Committee.

As a practical matter, Steering Committee Members are provided the right to vote on all matters before the organization as wel l as to hold any office or committee position.  General Members may participate in Organization deliberations but are non-voting.   Dues are not an expectation, nor requirement, of membership.


Member-supported PIPE works to educate policymakers about this important issue and advance commonsense, pro-taxpayer solutions to our Nation's infrastructure needs.  But PIPE is only as strong as our members, which is why we need you to join us.

PIPE is managed by a well-respected, bi-partisan and highly experienced Washington, DC-based firm that provides both management, in the form of an Executive Director, as well as government relations (i.e. lobbying and public policy) services. PIPE is “member-driven,” and as such, our members are chiefly responsible for framing priorities. All significant decisions related to PIPE priorities, strategies or activities are determined by unanimous consensus of the Steering Committee Members, who have access to regular planning calls to coordinate our efforts and activities.

If you are interested in learning more about membership, please contact who can provide additional information on the next steps to secure your membership.